Youtube Soundsystem

Personal Utility Site

3 Month / Individual Project


To design a website that allows for more efficient listening and management of Youtube playlists than the official site.


Having grown frustrated with Youtube's clunkiness when it comes to finding, saving, and listening to music as video playlists, I decided to create my own functional site that would streamline these tasks.
I started by making prototypes for the main pages in Figma, and quickly made them semi-functional with HTML.
As more features were added, the styling and layout changed slightly. Early testing by myself and others gave feedback as to which designs were intuitive and which were confusing.


The site works using Youtube's API, which allows interoperability between this site and the official one.
Playlists saved here can be viewed on, and vice versa. Youtube Soundsystem also contains features that were, at the time, non-existent on the official site. Queuing, replicating other's playlists, looping tracks, separating albums and other features were present which Youtube later added to their own platform with the unveiling of Youtube Music, a paid subscription service.