
Indoor Hydroponics Appliance

5 Month / Individual Project


To design an automatic hydroponics system that waters, feeds, and regulates the environment of a user’s plants.


I first cataloged existing products in order to get a sense of the market and what features were currently out there.
I conducted a survey of 110 owners of hydroponics appliances, asking what plants they grow, why they bought their appliance, and what they would look for in a new model.
From these insights I was able to create five specific criteria:
1. The system MUST be able to grow varying sizes of plants, from Microgreens to Tomatoes (1/4'' to 4' tall)
2. The system SHOULD be size adjustable or scalable (modular)
3. The system SHOULD allow "aftermarket" upgrades
4. The system COULD be easily disassemblable for cleaning
5. The system COULD have the capability to be automated

Concept Development

During this phase I created six concepts which could theoretically accommodate various sized plants, were modular, could be cleaned somewhat easily, etc.


Taking into account all the feedback given, and the viability of each concept as a system, the cube was chosen as the concept with the most promise.

Product Delivery

After finalizing the functional details, mechanisms, supports, etc. and taking into account manufacturability (tolerances, assembly, electronics), the design was modeled utilizing Fusion 360.

Companion App

These mockups for a companion app were developed by Gibeom Lee from Auburn University. We worked jointly to develop requirements for the product, while he focused on illustrating the app and I on the physical product. For more detail into his development process, you can view his full project here.